Érase hace mucho,
mucho tiempo,
un hombre que vivía...
Once upon a time,
a long long time ago,
there was an old man
who lived...

... en la cima de una montaña,
en un castillo de hielo.
... behind a mountain
in a castle of ice.

Con las barbas blancas,
túnica blanca
y blancos los cabellos,
era conocido como
“el abuelo del invierno”.
He had white hair, a white beard and wore a white coat. He was known as
"the man of winter"
túnica blanca
y blancos los cabellos,
era conocido como
“el abuelo del invierno”.
He had white hair, a white beard and wore a white coat. He was known as
"the man of winter"

y la nieve, la lluvia
y el frío,
la niebla y el viento
eran sus únicos amigos.
He lived alone
and his only friends were
the cold, the snow,
the fog, the rain
and the wind.
Siempre estaba triste
o enfadado o ausente
y, sin querer,
a veces,
asustaba a la gente.
He was always angry,
absent or sad and
sometimes, accidently,
would frighten
people away.
o enfadado o ausente
y, sin querer,
a veces,
asustaba a la gente.
He was always angry,
absent or sad and
sometimes, accidently,
would frighten
people away.
En el valle,
In the valley,

entre rosas y margaritas,
lirios y violetas;
entre fresas y manzanas,
limones y cerezas...
under the rays of the sun,
dwelled "the girl of spring".
She lived
amidst irises and lilies,
peaches and apples, strawberries and cherries...

y pequeñas abejas,
"la niña de primavera".
... amidst little birds, butterflies and little bees.
Con los ojos azules,
el vestido verde
y roja la melena, se paseaba por los campos como una princesa.
Era amiga de todos, cada día sonreía y siempre parecía contenta.
She strolled across the fields like a princess with her blue eyes, red hair and green clothes.
She was everybody's friend, smiled every day and seemed content.
Cada uno vivía en su mundo,
pero querían estar juntos:
Both of them lived in their own worlds
but both of them felt alone:
Both of them lived in their own worlds
but both of them felt alone:
al abuelo le gustaba, de la primavera, su color
the man was charmed by her colours
the man was charmed by her colours
y la niña admiraba, del invierno, su blancura.
and the girl liked his whitened glare.
and the girl liked his whitened glare.
Pero no lo sabía ninguno de los dos.
And yet neither of them knew
they pleased the other.
And yet neither of them knew
they pleased the other.

la primavera,
curiosa y a destiempo,
se atrevió a subir
al castillo de hielo.
One day, curious Spring,
propped by intuition,
dared to move up towards
the castle of ice.
el invierno decidió bajar
a los campos
verdes y frescos.
Winter was moving down
to the green fields
at the very same time.
Winter was moving down
to the green fields
at the very same time.

se encontraron
pero no se dijeron nada;
les parecía todo sorprendente,
sólo se miraban.
They met half-way
down the road
but did not say a word.
They could only look
at each other in awe.
It all seemed fascinating.
Al final, el invierno dijo:
"No soy feliz:
estoy solo y tengo frío."
Y la primavera le contestó:
"Yo vivo con el sol
pero, de vez en cuando,
me gustaría estar contigo."
Finally, Winter said to her:
"I am cold and alway alone.
I am not happy like this."
Spring answered: "I live with the sun and my friends but I would also like to live with you."

El invierno, tímido,
le cogió la mano.
La primavera, atrevida,
le dio un beso...
Winter took her hand.
Bravely, Spring kissed him
on the cheek...

... y,
se abrazaron.
They embraced happily.
Él le prometió
que, de vez en cuando,
de su castillo bajaría.
Y ella le aseguró
que a verle
también subiría.
He promised to visit her and she assured would so too.
Ahora se entiende
por qué,
durante los meses
de primavera,
hay cielos
de viento y niebla...
Now we know why during
spring there are days of win and rain
and why during the winter
the sun will also, sometimes, come out and shine.
Y colorín colorado,
este cuento
se ha acabado.
The End.
Mamen Gargallo Guil
Amy Ahern
Gabriel Moreno
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